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A Child Called 'It': One Child's Courage to Survive
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Product details
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Audible Audiobook
Listening Length: 3 hours and 46 minutes
Program Type: Audiobook
Version: Unabridged
Publisher: Recorded Books Release Date: July 18, 2007
Language: English, English
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
This book was the first book I ever read. I haven't found one yet since that I completed in one day. Yes, it is a thin book but it was so awesome. I grew up in what I thought was an abusive home, had six step fathers, four step mothers, and moved 4 times in high school. I grew up bitter and angry at my parents for not giving me a stable environment. After reading this, I became appreciative for the life I had growing up. I may not have had the best home life but I had people in my life who helped me grow and were always watching out for me. "A Child called It" made me greatful for what I did have and it made me realize things I had growing up that I didn't even realize I had. I love it and plan on making my kids read it.
Once I started reading this book, I did not want to put it down. I am so grateful for having discovered, ' A Child Called It", as I was severely abused from the ages 5 to 17 years old. This book has started an inner healing process.As I started reading, I started crying, crying so loudly that I started wailing. Uncontrollable tears rolling down my cheeks, and many, many tissues. I applaud Dave Pelzer for using his torturous past to help bring healing to so many people. I can not wait to read his other books. If you can read this review Dave, I want to say Thank you, Thank you, and Thank you.
My brother suggested I read this and I see why. For my entire childhood I was abused physically and emotionally by my mother while the rest of the family acted like it was normal. Only now in adulthood do they see how entirely abnormal it was for one person to be singled out for one parent's hatred and wrath. This see story is so familiar to me in so many ways; many of the same scenarios played out in my childhood, although not to the horrible extremes that the author sustained. There isn't a day that my childhood doesn't haunt me in some way, but like the author, my strong inner spirit and will to survive triumphed. I will be reading the other books in this series.
As a social worker, no one likes to talk about these sorts of things. What makes child abuse different is how deeply it’s impact goes and how many people it impacts. It’s an evil no one wants to see or accept and many will look the other way. And then there are those who will not turn away and instead step in and risk pieces of them self to try and save a child. David tells his story in a raw way that leaves you saddened but inspired. It’s a hard read that you can’t put down. You almost “feel†what he’s going through. Beautifully and courageously written.
It is a good read, and I think it’s important for people to read this book, but proper warning must be given. This is a sever case of child abuse that is hard to stomach reading. I think because it’s so traumatic that it’s our duty to read the story so we may learn how to prevent child abuse.I first read this when I was young, in grade school myself. (as of writing this review I have reread it to give an account with a fresh memory in mind) I don’t know if this was the best book for a middle schooler to read. When I picked it up I understood the subject would be about abuse when I started, but I had no idea how graphic it would be.When I first read it this book always stuck with me, in a positive way. I knew child abuse was a thing but I had no idea how truly terrible it was. It was at the back of my mind. By the time I went to high school this book was still in my mind and I tried to be diligent about looking for potential signs in my classmates.Now as a young adult the book has always stayed with me in my mind. I often discuss politics and mention issues I find important to friends. Child abuse is heart breaking and when I have time I try to inform people about it.You could easily say this was a life changing book for me. The shock it gave me as a child was something i’ve kept with me for all of my life. It was a tool that changed they way I think and caused me to pursue more attention to the issues of child abuse, and specifically educating others.The book itself is short and a quick read. I finished it within a two hour sitting. If you can stomach it you’ll probably finish it in one sitting as well.
This book most certainly does its job on bringing awareness towards child abuse. This book is the account of one child's unthinkable abuse. It offered me great insight on a child's perspective as he goes from having a loving family environment to a victim of child brutality. This book offers much knowledge on how to escape that kind of life and that it is okay to be different and that you're not alone. Lastly, it shows that the impact his childhood had on his life was great enough to influence him into writing this book and bringing awareness.
It took me a long time to read the book. I had to put it away many, many times. My own life has so many similarities. In a different way, with different people, but the outcome is the same. And the struggle to survive is too. The daily struggle to regain your life and to believe you are worth something. That.Thanks Dave Pelzer, for your courage to put into words what you went through and in doing so helping people like me.
I read some of the book back in the 90s when I was in elementary school but honestly didn't remember much about it. This year, it was assigned as required reading for a paper in my Child Abuse and Neglect class, and my original book is in storage, so I went ahead and ordered a new one. It is a quick read and took me less than a day to finish. In my opinion, it is a good book. It is a very sad story, but unfortunately, it is also one that many people live on a daily basis. I enjoyed it enough where I went ahead and ordered the other books in the trilogy.
This book reminded me that this just doesn't happen in movies but real life too. I've appreciated my mother more. It's usually hard to make me cry but this book though.........i literally had to stop reading because i couldn't see anymore. It's greatly written. The author did a great job writing the book. He will make you feel like it was the kid himself telling the story and it felt like it was right from his diary. This has been a great read and also the second book.
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