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Sailor Moon Box Set 2 (Vol. 7-12), by Naoko Takeuchi
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Product details
Series: Sailor Moon Box Set
Paperback: 240 pages
Publisher: Kodansha Comics; Box edition (October 29, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1612623972
ISBN-13: 978-1612623979
Product Dimensions:
5.1 x 4.3 x 7.9 inches
Shipping Weight: 3 pounds
Average Customer Review:
5.0 out of 5 stars
105 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#564,216 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
Sailor Moon as a story: If you've read the first 6 books, obviously you'll want to finish them! Do not read these without reading the first ones. It is not a story you can just jump into.Translation: FINALLY! Why did it take until 2013 for a reasonably good translation that stays as true as possible to the original?! There are some parts where the translation reads a little odd, but it makes enough sense. I also really appreciate that the translators wrote Translation Notes for each book, where they explain the different ways they could have translated a word or explain the full meaning of something. Naoko used quite a few puns that only make sense in Japanese, and those puns are explained well (such as Tin Nyanko's entire name being a giant pun.)Quality: Many people complain that the paper quality is not as good as the individually published books. This is true, but in all honestly, it's not a big deal! The pages are not flimsy, they're just not as strong as the individually published books. Yes, the books are also slightly smaller. If superior quality is what you care about, then buy them individually. If you just want an economical way to buy the entire Sailor Moon manga, then buy this set! The only complaint I have is that there were a few pages where the print job was obviously lacking to some degree, because if you looked really close you could see faint detail that should have come through a lot better.This version compared to 90's Tokyo Pop/ Mixx Comix translation:Mixx Westernized the series as much as possible. They took out all the Japanese (even faint Japanese on building signs in the background.) They flipped all the art so you could read the story from right to left, like a normal English book, where as Japanese reads the opposite (left to right.) They gave all the characters the same names as the Canadian dub of the Sailor Moon Anime did (they did not have a habit of doing this with other series, like Magic Knight Rayearth, where the Anime dub left the character's names the same.) Basically, long story short, Mixx copied the English dub perfectly, and the English Dub drastically changed the Anime. While the quality of Mixx Sailor Moon comics were quite good (my books still are in great condition after 15 years and the art doesn't look photo copied,) they're not enjoyable to read. Kodansha didn't do anything to "Westernize" the manga, except translate the actual words. Whenever there is background noise spelled out, it's still in Japanese. You read the story from right to left, like the Japanese books. The names were not changed. The story was not altered to be more "kid-friendly." This is Sailor Moon left untouched, except for the words that were translated.Any fan of the series, even if they haven't read or watched it for years, will love Kodansha's translation!
As I've said on volumes 1-6, this set is definitely worth having, and I don't regret the price or owning the entire collection.Let me just start by saying the art box encasing the 6 volumes is as very beautifully done as the first set, and the pictures the two form together make me thrilled beyond belief. Honestly, as silly as it sounds, I love how they look sitting side-by-side on my shelf.As I said before on the previous box set, the manga itself is perhaps the best English version I've encountered to date. None of the names have been translated or Anglicized, and everything stays true to the original feel of the original Japanese manga. The manga still contains its bonus content as well, so absolutely nothing was shortchanged or skimmed in re-releasing these volumes. Of course, the manga art and story are as amazing as they ever were. The paper and books themselves feel like the quality of your average manga, so I don't feel as though anything was cheaply made or shortchanged.This is the absolute best English version of the manga I've come across so far and I'm thrilled to add it to my library as a now-completed set!
This set was released in October and i bought just now for almost half the price. Now as I read it, it has all aspects of the Japanese version! Pros were:1) Reads as an authentic manga, and if you flip back to the back cover, it warns you that you are reading it wrong so that you don't spoil it for yourself!2) Has all Japanese phonetics like -sama, -chan, etc. These are all explained carefully at the end, and explains why they are used. Very helpful!3) has previews of the next book IN ENGLISH!!! Once you finish reading, it gives you a preview of the next book and then it has ads at the back of the book.4) Comes with adorable stickers with chibi versions of the front covers of each book!5) All the books have special paper in the front with amazing art, and has a table of contents(sometimes a spoiler alert)Cons:1) none, really....This is a must get series and definitely worth reading! If you haven't bought set 1, then you should. It's a series that you shouldn't read the second set of books until you have finished the first. Other than that, great series and a must have for any Moonie!!
Everything is literally perfect. Like dude I recommend this as a gift, as a item to use for a proposal, to give to someone your trying to get lucky with- If youre trying to get a booty call or something and your boo likes Sailor Moon, you best buy her this
replacement gift for my daughter who is a huge sailor moon fan who lost everything when our ranch burned down in the firestormk
I have may collections of books. But most are the common ones we have and see in north America everyday, Japanese books are completely different and are very well translated, I will continue to look at other magnas and see what else is out ther for me read. the product was all I expected, the final 6 volumes, and the completed artwork of both boxes and the completed storyline of sailor moon until the very end.
Awesome manga box set!Other reviewers mentioned the ink would transfer to the reader's fingers, bit I didn't have that problem.My only issue was the packaging of the shipment. The box was entirely too large for the box sets and was slightly damaged in transit. Not a major issue for a set that I purchased for myself to read, but would be a real problem if it were a gift or something I wanted to save as a keepsake.-J
Enjoyed reading Takeuchi's classic, I read the majority of it in one sitting came with stickers, in a decorated box set to hold the volumes. Had interesting extras in the back of the volumes. Was worth more than buying one at a time. Keep on reading it and loved every page.
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